Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday meme

I have so many things I would like to write about. Things I need to write about. Things that are half written, but not finished. But I can’t seem to get it together right now. And so when a friend sent me this list of questions, I thought it would be a great way to procrastinate. . . Please keep it going if you are so inclined, I would love to read your answers.

My favorite moment of the day is ...
Definitely the morning, waking up. I say my grateful prayers, wake Martha . . . slowly, and get my marching orders for the day. Morning is sometimes the only time we see each other and we try to have a few moments of intimacy before the world comes and demands our attention.

If I could say one thing to myself 20 years ago . . .
I would tell myself that life does go on and it’s okay to love again.

The lesson I keep learning over and over . . .
Some people truly don’t care if they hurt others. I will never understand it but I am forced to keep learning it.

What scares me most is . . .
something bad happening to my daughters.

No one knows I . . .
Can’t stand to have my feet touched. Well, a few people do know that actually.

Unhealthiest meal . . .
Chocolate, chips, and ice cream for dessert. Yum.

Personal philosophy . . .
Life is basically a series of daily choices. Always choose love - love of self, love of others, love of creation, love of God.

I feel healthy when I . . .
Have a good workout at the gym.

I unwind by . . .
Sharing a meal with friends and/or family.

Proudest moment of my career . . .
Losing my job for standing up for my principles.

My father always told me . . .
You can only do the best you can do.

My mother was right about . . .
Just about everything - eating breakfast, clean underwear, being nice to my sister, working hard, doing the right thing, flossing, healing broken relationships, a good night’s sleep . . .

My mother was wrong about . . .
Telling me I would learn how to cook when I had a family to cook for.

The movie I watch when I want to laugh is . . .
Young Frankenstein. Which is actually Martha’s favorite movie. I am not a big Mel Brooks fan but whenever I see the movie, I think about how hard Martha laughs at it, and that makes me laugh. “Put the candle back!” has become a punch line for almost everything in our house.

I always feel saner when I . . .
Walk at the beach, take a sauna, sit in an empty church, share my problems with a good friend.

Home means . .
Being with the people I love, wherever that is.

Whole living means . . .
Doing the right thing, being honest and authentic and taking care of myself morally, ethically, health wise, and spiritually.


  1. Who needs to cook when you eat chocolate, chips and ice cream for dinner?

  2. Oh a new recipe, chocolate, chips and Icecream, LOL

    I think that I may need to 'borrow' this but will need to contemplate my answers for a day or two :)

  3. "Life is basically a series of daily choices." Yes, I feel exactly the same way.

    Great meme!

  4. Only you would think your career highlight was getting fired : )

  5. Why does it take so long for children to learn that their mothers were right all along?

  6. Great meme. Wonderful answers. I may borrow this one...

  7. Young Frankenstein is a great movie!

    Frau Bleucher!

  8. I admire your brevity. I would expostulate on each part of this meme--it is more interesting, beautiful reading your pithy answers.

  9. nice stuff

  10. nice stuff
