Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Capitol Idea

In the wee hours of Friday morning, Peachie left for a school field trip to Washington, DC. We had received texts every few hours - arrived here safely, nice weather - ate lunch at a ghetto McDonalds - went to see Congress, boring - dinner at HardRock, having a blast.

And then last night she called us quite upset. Seems there is an openly gay boy on the trip and when they got to the hotel his two roommates refused to bunk with him. (Why they didn’t bring this up when they first assigned rooms weeks earlier, I have no idea) Anyway, Peachie put her teacher/chaperone on the phone -

Teacher: Peachie offered to let him sleep in with her. She said her moms would understand.

Me: It is fine with me as long as you don’t have a problem as a chaperone.

Teacher: Well, there are no other rooms, I don’t have a lot of choices here.

Peachie called this morning with this report -

“Ryan woke me this morning with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. He gave me the weather report and had already picked out an outfit for me and ironed it. I think I want to marry a gay man.”

Don’t we all . . .


  1. LMAO - Don't we all. Way to go Peachie! Sounds like the school is going to need to figure some things out for future trips.

  2. Well, I tried it, but it didn't work out so well... ;-)

    (FTR, however, we are still very good friends. I feel a bit cheated, however, since he never ironed anything for me while we were married!)

    Peachie is...a peach. And good on the teacher for being flexible.


  3. Now see...if those boys had let him bunk with them they would have been the nicest dressed men on the field trip and may have even picked up a few hot chicks on the way. Didn't they ever watch Queer Eye?
    At least your daughter was able to benefit from the experience.

  4. I never tire of reading about how amazing your daughters are - it's so heart-warming. Go Peachie!

  5. To mimic all that has been said here already - Way to go Peachie!

  6. I heart your daughter. What a champion!

  7. Good for Peachie! And for the teacher for being cool.
