Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Turning Around

Last week was the anniversary of my attack. I say “my” but I really mean “our”. Sometimes it is just too painful for me to go down that road. It is a day once overpowering with emotional trauma and now, after much time and therapy, a time of general melancholy. A time of remembering the fear and humiliation of that day but also, now, being grateful for my healing journey.

I did not watch Dr. Ford’s testimony before Congress although it has been next to impossible to avoid the constantly screaming headlines. Last night Trump decided to mock her and I am horrified to see so many people cheering as he ridiculed her. Angry at him. Ashamed for them. Scared for all of us. Is this really what we have become?

Years ago I took the advice of my therapist and decided to go in the direction I wanted to go. In my case it was turning from the pain and humiliation and dehumanizing act of rape toward a place of peace and joy and love. Now it’s time for our country to decide which way it wants to go. This is beyond politics, this is about the very soul of our nation. This is about facing forward and refusing to to be scared backwards. This is about doing the hard work of turning this ship of hatred around.

We are on this sinking ship and unfortunately, we are all on it together. If it goes down, we all go down. Yet there seems to be no talking reason to irrational people. They have no shame. They have no conscience. The only tools we have left are our votes. It is time to toss these rich, white, aging men off the brigg and take back OUR country. We deserve so much more than this.

34 days.


  1. Thank you thank you: for speaking the truth, for being fed up, for all your bravery in surviving and thriving. It’s hard to know how to right this. I can’t grasp why the universe, God, humanity, has allowed this man and this debauchery to surface.

    I do believe there will be a time when there will be no Donald Trump. Then, then we’ll know how well we’ve survived.

  2. Your last two posts were what I needed to read... work has been a shit storm - was thinking the other day that it is mirroring our country at the moment. While it is bigger than me, and I can't change it all, I can do my part and not give up. While I can't get rid of the churn in my gut - I can do the right thing, the best I can and forge ahead...

  3. Thank you for this post; it's so true. We are all in this together. May reason prevail.

  4. These are troubling times. It's hard to see if there are better times ahead. It's been a rough couple of weeks for all of us, but especially those of us who have been victims of sexual assault. I think that includes virtually all women and more than a few men.

    The Transcendentalist Theodore Parker has been on my mind lately:
    'I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.'
    We're all waiting for the bending towards justice...
    Sending you love and strong hugs, my friend.

  5. If votes are the only tools we have left, then we must use them. Losing the battle for the soul of this nation is not an acceptable alternative. "This is about doing the hard work of turning this ship of hatred around."

  6. I genuinely fear for this country right now. I've never seen such cruelty being presented as laudatory. My fervent hope is that the pendulum will start to swing back toward the progress we'd been making in tolerance and justice. But I'm not feeling terribly optimistic.
