Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Full of Grace

Some fun and amazing things from this week

Beaner’s boyfriend has asked for our blessing for him to ask her to marry him. He would not be my first choice for her but he loves her, that is obvious. So two weddings in one year. Oh boy.

Peachie and her fiance were home for the weekend and we all went out to dinner. Sitting there watching my two grown daughters, settled in their careers and now having found their life partners, all chatting and laughing together, left me with such a good feeling. The kids are definitely all right.

Sunday we all went hiking up north to see the fall foliage. Oh how I do love the changing of the seasons.

Unfortunately my knees told me not to attempt the summit. Instead I settled in quietly next to this little surprise spring and enjoyed the water music.

The mornings are now so dark that when I walk the dog, the stars are still shining.

Young love, the mountains*, the stars, the changing seasons. No matter what craziness is happening in the political world, these beautiful and perfectly magical things remain constant and I am grateful for that.

* Fortunately the Adirondacks are within a State owned park and Trump cannot sell them


  1. I love the water music! And, the photo of your glorious New England autumn. Sometimes the beauty of nature is our only solace.

    Have fun with those weddings... lol. :^)

    1. "Sometimes the beauty of nature is our only solace" - and friends who will listen to us whine and complain about all that wedding planning : )

  2. Replies
    1. I can't take credit for it. My daughter took it and sent it to me as I rested under a canopy of trees.

  3. Congratulations! And the view from your hike is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks. Congratulations will be more in order if I survive this year : )

  4. Wait, what? That's news! Wow. It's going to be a busy year.

    Isn't the sound of water the best? That's why I don't like people playing music at the beach - I want to hear the waves.

  5. Hello ol Blogger friend. It has been a long while. I wish you many blessing on your new family.

  6. Bells will be ringing . . . though, I think that is a lyric to a Christmas song. Anyhoo...Congratulations.

    This city 'girl' is learning to appreciate the sights and sounds of nature; all glory and joy.
