Sunday, May 1, 2016

Healthier Eating Challenge - Week 1

View the challenge here (last post)

Hello, my name is 8thday and I am a sugarholic.

I am seriously addicted to sugar. I don’t want to eliminate all sugar in my diet because I really enjoy sweets.  But I eat way too much of it. Way too much.

When I quit smoking I started by reducing the times I allowed myself to smoke and slowly weaned myself off.  So for my first week of the Healthier Eating Challenge I am going to cut down on my sugar intake by not eating sweets before noon or after 8:00 pm.  This is hard because at work everyone has a candy dish on their desk and many people bring in baked goods. I usually begin grazing around 9:30 and  once I start, I don’t stop. Since I only work til noon, the challenge will mean no sugar at work. At all.

Please share what your personal challenge is this week in the comments. Good luck and we’ll all be cheering.


  1. I used to hate the candy dishes everyone had on their work desk. It was sheer torture to me as I struggled not to mindlessly load up on sugar during the stressful day. I often wondered how some of them would feel if I had a plate of free cigarettes on display on my desk top.

    1. Seriously, my personal challenge this week is a chocolate cake craving. I SO hope it passes soon. I've been trying to drastically reduce sugar by not eating after dinner.

    2. Good point.

      After dinner is my tougher time for sugar cravings. I have been trying to have a sugar free, weight watchers ice cream snack instead but I know I should be having fruit. Maybe I will make that a challenge one week.

  2. You are about sugar the way I am about salt especially as applied to chips and some dips. ;-)

    And so, in addition to having a NO chips (and / or extra salt) week I will also ramp up my vegetable intake for the week. My post is more of an overview.

    Good luck on conquering your winning over sugar this week.

    1. Wow, you're doing a double challenge! Brave woman!

      Sad thing is that once I start on the sugar, then I crave the salt. Show me anything salted caramel and I'm a goner.

      Veggies, yum! (just keep repeating it to yourself like a mantra : )

    2. Brave? Maybe. But it is a must. I like vegetables, generally but find (have found) they are more an afterthought than center of attention. For overall health, clearly the greens and things must bw more forward in my mind. :-)

  3. My energy levels are compromised as I have had chronic ME for many years. Being a naturally active person I take sugar/chocolate/ice cream to give me the energy boosts I want to get me through the next activity. Unfortunately as we all know this is a vicious circle and ultimately makes things worse. To cut down on sugar for me means cutting it out altogether as once tasted I cannot stop. The very thought panics me as it is my energy prop. However, I shall try just to get through this week without any sugary foods at all. Good luck to all who are trying to make dietary changes:)

  4. A parishioner shared her "salad in a mason jar" idea.

    I have made 7 jars of salads, ready to go for the week. I will have no excuse for not meeting my challenge this week.

    Good luck to everyone!

    1. I followed your link and those salad recipes look wonderful, thanks:)

    2. I did too. I usually have a daily salad but this will definitely up my game!

    3. Wow. Thanks for that link. I had forgotten about salads in a jar. Winner winner crunchy dinner!!

    4. Wow. Thanks for that link. I had forgotten about salads in a jar. Winner winner crunchy dinner!!

  5. my personal challenge is forty pounds that has no place on my body. i've begun slowly but with awareness: less portions, less sugar, less carbs. as for you, 8, i'm always happy to know what you're up to. i've been away, here and there, but as soon as i open my blog, i come here too.


  6. AnonymousMay 03, 2016

    late to the game... but I am drinking more water this week... did well yesterday... need to keep at it...
