Sunday, March 17, 2024

One step forward, two steps back

This year has not been particularly productive so far.

I had challenged myself to write at least one blog post every month.  Not that I have many interesting things to say, but more to document my personal journey through this strange thing we call life.  But here we are, past mid-March and I already failed.   This is February's entree.  Now I have to play catch-up.

I had gained a few too many pounds over the holidays and so promised myself to lose 1 pound a month.  One!  How hard could that be?  Instead, I gained 2 pounds in January and didn’t lose an ounce in February.   Yep, I wanted to lose 6 pounds, only 8 to go!

Every year I save seeds from my deck flower boxes to save hundreds of dollars for the next year's planting.  Mid-February I went to the basement to start the petunia seeds only to discover that mice had found them first.  

Last year I decided to move my veggie garden to an area that received more sun.  I reinstalled all the chain-link fencing and ran chicken wire along the bottom since critters decimated my garden last year.  Then this February, we had unseasonably warm weather so I decided to go rototill the garden to get a head start on this season’s prep.  But I ran the tiller into the chicken wire, thereby ripping it all off the fence and so badly wrapping it around the tiller tines that it took days (and many bloody knuckles) to get it all unwound. And now I have to reinstall it all.  Yay me!

Yet still excited about the warm weather to get a head start on yard work, I bought a replacement blade for my edger.  Then, installing it, I turned the bolt so hard that I broke the whole shaft. Now I need to buy a whole new edger.  


For all the anticipation that 60-degree weather in February brought, I think I’d have been better off hibernating until April. 


  1. When it rains, it pours.

    1. You're right, a flood is probably next. Then the locusts . . .

  2. No bueno. And, relatable. May the tide turn sooner rather than later.

  3. I'm not sure about the tide, but the weather is definitely turning. Today I woke up to snow. Every day an adventure !

    1. Rumor has it we're getting snow too. Though the accumulation is supposed to be north of the city. We'll see. The Madness that is March. :-)

  4. So much for your head start! So frustrating! And, I'm sorry but the weight gain made me chuckle. One pound a month 'should' be doable... How the gods laugh when we make plans.
    Oh, and enjoy the snow! Lol

    1. I shaved my legs, clipped my nails and cut my hair. I may need to lose a few more body parts to make this goal!

  5. too much! no more February gardening! I hope by the time you read this, the yard and tiller have settled down. I'm also psyched to get outside, but at 29 degrees this morning, I'm waiting a bit longer.

    So great that it's almost truly spring, right?! xo

    1. ps this is from kj

    2. Well, at least I didn't plant anything outside except for a few carrot seeds. Mostly I'm trying to prep the new garden area so I'll be ready. But now I'm thinking that farmer's markets are a much more sane choice.

  6. Oh well! And now its mid April, and we should, I think, get an April post. And hopefully, all will sound better. Good Luck!
